Osteocondrose - symptoms

Osteocondrose of the spine — degenerative changes affecting the intervertebral discs, facet joints, ligaments, and other tissues that make up the spine-musculoskeletal segment (PDS). When the disease is primary, they are taken by surprise by the intervertebral disks, and supporting the other departments within the spinal column and the musculoskeletal system. It is considered that the high prevalence of this disease is common in the respect of the young and middle-age, with a trend towards a reduction in the elderly and senile. age.

intervertebral disc herniation

The composition of the spinal skeletal segment that includes the two that are located on the side of the vertebral column, the top and the niinamesai. In between them are the intervertebral disc, the facet joints, and the joints are painful, they contact him. The bone adjacent to the between the articular processes form the joints of the linkage (bootnote-or facet joints). Tough, cross-cutting, they contact the next ones connected to the joints. In this project, in conjunction with the discs to provide a spine and a dorsal fin on the mobility and stability.

The cause of the degenerative disc disease of the spine has not yet been set. However, the fact that it is often found that certain categories of professionals, adults, and suggests the idea that the main reason for the occurrence of this disease is an unhealthy lifestyle. Resulting from the lack of loads of muscles, a reduction in physical, muscular effort, and replace them with the static in some parts of the body, which by its nature has to be responsive (neck fillet) is the weakening of the spring and the stabilizing function of the muscles.

Degenerative changes in the spine occur as a result of:

  • excessive static or dynamic loading on the spine (for example, weight);
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • confirmed the injury to the spinal cord, has in the past.

When it is detected that a generic levitra of the symptoms, please consult your doctor for advice. Non-self is harmful to your health.

The symptoms of degenerative disc disease.

The main symptom of degenerative disc disease point syndrome and soft-tissue, or painful spasm of the muscle, with the consequence that the resulting in muscle dysfunction.

Talking about the cause of the pain threshold of the disorder include pain, which is caused by pathology of the structures of the spine (otherwise, the vertebral pain syndromes), severe pain, or from some other source (nevertebralnah the pain). What kind of pain is identified, it is dependent on the choice of methods of treatment.

Types of back pain:

1. Nociceptive — due to the fact that the peripheral pain receptors act by multiple triggers (injury or inflammation), when the integrity of all the departments in the central nervous system. Such pain is typically characterized by the appearance of zones of constant pain, and to increase to the point of sensitivity in the local tissue damage.

2. Neuropathic — occurs as a result of a pathological irritation of the neurons of the peripheral or central nervous system, which is responsible for the reaction of a physical injury to the body. Many times, the signal is characteristic of neuropathic pain of the head, that is, the decrease in the strength of the muscle, and of the violation of the sensitivity, which is manifested, in particular, to the fact that the patient feels pain in response to the nabolese stimuli.

3. Dysfunctional (psychogenic) , takes place as a result of changes in the functional state of the nervous system or to altered perceptions of human being. Many times, the observed gain is in the peace after the years of intense activity.

4. Mixed media is seen to have a combination of various types of pain, as described above.

Usually, the back pain is related to irritation of the pain receptors in the muscles, joints, and ligaments, and the pain is nociceptive in nature. The patient will feel it, at the place of occurrence of the reported location (of the pain), or at a distance (reflected pain). Neuropathic pain in the back, it's usually to do with the fact that the process involved in Karasek of a spinal nerve or a ganglion. This is the kind of pain that is chronic.

Reflecting the pain caused by the condition of the internal organs (in other words, the viceregency of pain).

Taking into account that the cause is a degenerative disc disease, the clinical manifestations of the disease may be associated with a herniation of the intervertebral disc, or degenerative (and pathological) changes in the truth, the spinal column (for example, osteoarthritis, intervertebral, joint, or education, bone spurs).

4 the principal clinical syndromewhich may make each and every one of these options:

  1. the location of pain location;
  2. inverted (reflective pain) is associated with injury to bone or muscle (fascial) structures.
  3. a radicular syndrome (radiculopathy), caused by the irritation or compression of spino-cerebral nerve root;
  4. myelopathy – pain, which came about as a result of the compression of the spinal cord, or blood vessels.

The pathogenesis of degenerative disc disease.

On the basis of the development of the degenerative disc disease is a number of pathophysiological mechanisms. The disease develops as a result of the degenerative processes which lead, in a fairly early stage, and sterile inflammation, for the treatment of dystonia, spasm.

When there are changes to the root of the intervertebral disc at the beginning of the corruption of a wrapper around the nerve fibers (demyelination), and then to detect the damage processes in the optic nerve (axonopathy), the decrease in the circulation of the blood (thrombosis), and venous stasis. The entirety of each of these processes contributed to the situation, and the lack of timely treatment, where this is the result of a peripheral or central sensitization.

More often than not it is celebrated for the defeat, you don't suffer from the kernel, and the fibrous rings of the intervertebral disc. A mechanical load is applied to cause the elastic annulus fibrous of the disc loses its elasticity and the barrel. Then, through the cracks in the fibrous ring occurs, with the loss of the parcels, you don't suffer from the kernel of the spine, t. e., sobretrusiu the disc replaced by a disc herniation.

A herniated disc is a so-called lifelong learning, which is sahranaet the relationship of the body to the intervertebral disc, but sometimes it occurs with the loss of their fragments, then the spinal canal (the abduction from the hard disk).

The classification and the stage of development of degenerative disc disease.

From the point of view of localization are the following variants of the disease:

  • lumbalgia — low back pain (pain cuecomtzoom), department of the upper back.
  • sciatica pain in the back, notdando in the foot;
  • low back pain — lumbar spine (lower arms, t. e. the acute pain in the lower back;
  • tnorecarge pain in the chest;
  • TSerically, TScervicobrachialgia pain in the neck and upper limbs.

The classification of the stages of the development of the degenerative disease in the us.

1 stage reduces the amount of moisture in mejpozvonkovi disk that has lost its elastic and transport properties of the elastic and the charge will remain the same. As a result, the disk decreases in time, RAcomplusiveetcomEu, there is a bulge.

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2 stage: if the disease continues to develop in the fibrotic ring, and noticed the appearance of cracks, and since the resampling disk is reduced, and the result becomes the instability of the whole on the state of the segment of the spine.

Step 3: the formation of a rupture of the cartilage tissue with a dense fibrous rings. Through it flows a part of more oxygen to a liquid of a kernel, and there is the formation of a hernia of the intervertebral disc. These changes can often be found in the lumbar and cervical departments of a vertebrae.

For the first time, it's a pain if you have a herniated intervertebral disk arises when there is irritation to pain receptors in the outer layers with a dense fibrous ring and the back side of ligament longitudinal.

Complications of degenerative disc disease.

  • Symptoms of low back pain. In the early stages of notice of the occurrence of the reported periodic pain in response to a call to action, for example, as a result of the abrupt movement, heavy lifting, and a heavy load for a long walk, a long-term resident in the obezbijede position. This type of pain is well known to many and is described as being "caught". It is different in the rare event of a reported, overall, that the movement of the same is not evident in the static position. This is kind of a pain, there are serious consequences, and that he, himself, takes place during the week.
  • Lumbalgia. This is kind of a pain to have the property of increasing when the hypothermia, with the intense protests throughout the movement. It is not a response to the load on the spine when it stopped, does not cease to exist, although it disappears, leaving the irritating impression.
  • The Pain of sciatica. The pain gives to the neighboring areas. Lower back osteocondrose is characterized irrationalism, pain in the leg, the chest, in the area of the hands, the heart, the neck is manifest of migraine.
  • Seizures. They will often be passes, the triceps is the muscle of the lower leg. Among other things, he noted the onset of sharp pain to the touch on the back or the legs.
  • Coccygodynia. Irradiiruet in the area of the coccyx or in the groin area. The pain, the whining, flaming, sterledeva in nature, which can dramatically limiting the physical activity of the patient

A diagnosis of degenerative disc disease.

A diagnosis of degenerative disc disease includes a number of steps:

1. In the collection's history. In this step, we are studying the complaints of the patient, and the history of the disease. In a conversation with the patient, discovers where they are located of the unpleasant sensations, their intensity and duration, factors that result in the amplification of pain and further pain relief. In addition, at the time of diagnosis, it is important to find out about the history of the disease, and the emergence of unpleasant sensations and stiffness; * the identification of probable causes of their occurrence and reports; collecting information about the previous treatment and how effective they are; on the verge of the information about the most recent deterioration, and the nature of your leak. For the diagnosis it is also important to find out what is the environment in which the patient lives and works, and that it leads to a way of life, what are the bad habits you have suffered from illness or injury, a will, and accounting, and hereditary factors.

2. During your physiological condition on the inspection is made on the assessment of the status of the patient, his / her gait and movements, the skin's complexion (looking for redness, itching, peeling), it will be made up of a comparison of the areas symmetrical with respect to the body side, and is painful; this is done in the setting of the amount of movement, with the inclination of the circular motion of the body, the amount of rotation of the movements in the different areas of the spinal column); absent is the heartbreaking part for determining the temperature of the skin, presence of eye or muscle twitching, pulmonary edema, painful seals, the sampling of the deep and superficial layers of the muscles allows us to evaluate the condition of the muscular system (muscle tone and to increase or decrease the volume with the touch of a hammer or with the finger, a certain area of radiating pain, with tingling, a needle is determined by the sensitivity of the pain, in the end, it is carried out in a series of special techniques, in order to discover the symptoms in the root of the tension.

3. X-ray exposure. For the best information, it is a study of each of the departments of the vertebral column individually. It is carried out in a two-bar projection and two mutually perpendicular planes (frontal and lateral). In some cases, you can assign a function key for the x-ray when the patient is in a position of flexion, elevation or side slopes. In particular, a read for a better quality of the results of the survey carried out by the introduction of contrast media into the spinal canal, making my bed, or anterior spinal artery, corrupt, mouriçovertebral the disc or the spine: angiography, discography, myelography, pnevmnomyelography.

The main x-ray signs of degenerative disc disease is one to believe:

  • pathologic mobility of the bone;
  • the shift of his body.
  • in the build-up of the disc (the deposition of salts;
  • the uniform narrowing of the intervertebral slit in the lower back and the neck department, and chest narrowing in a wedge;
  • education, bone spurs (threshold limit value-growth);
  • education is at the border of the beat and the drive of the packing threshold (multiple sclerosis).

5. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is based on the fact that it applies the electromagnetic waves to generate a signal that is characteristic for each tissue. It is processed by a computer and translated into a graphical image. By using this method, we clearly have to consider all the vessels in the neural networks they have contact, and the intervertebral disks, without all the harmful effects of ionizing radiation on the body.

Forecast. Prevention

As practice shows, the majority of the symptoms of the degenerative disease of the disc, when properly carried out, the therapy takes place at the resolution of the time-limits for the 6 weeks.

However, it is the wrong product for treatment or self-medication can lead to pain being caused to change into the chronic form, and to promote the circumstances that cause the changes in your spine in the future.

When you are prompted for the pain in the back or in the limbs first of all it is necessary to use a qualified technician for a proper diagnosis and the proper disposal of your treatment.

The most efficient and effective way of explaining and talking points for the majority of the manifestations of lower back pain is the drug and injection therapy as well as acupuncture. Physical therapy, including laser therapy, massage therapy, spinal manipulation has lower and unstable, and, in some cases, it may be, and they are not contraindicated.

Modern approaches to the treatment of degenerative disc disease are based on the principle of continuity of care, that is, fast, secure and test an episode of acute pain, resulting in the inclusion of prevention methods. For the prevention of the emergence and development of degenerative disc disease, can be recommended, first of all, the reduction of the body weight (obesity) and physical activity on a regular basis.

Regular classes, using the technique of dynamic muscular stabilization (yoga, pilates, in the context of aerobic activities is the basis for the rehabilitation and prevention of lower back pain, it improves the strength and endurance of the muscles of the spinal column.